Triple Edge XL In this case, they feed each other with a smile; or with gentle kisses shower a centimeter per centimeter on the body of a loved one, lingering on erogenous zones, some on the contrary, love rudeness and rudeness in the carnal matter, and thus prefer to "throw oneself on" and, after watching a little TV, snore loudly against the wall, complaining to her about a bad life. In this case, all movements are sharp, barbaric, just tearing the flesh, giving both pleasure and sweet pain, in contrast to the previous example with its proportionality and tenderness. There's no need for candles, and you do not have to look for a specific place for the "five-minute" period - the car's vestibule or a public toilet - sneeze-puff - will do. "Minimum time and cost" or just " Even a simple coffee with a bun wants to charge you with energy for the whole day - because it was done with love! But you can not only combine food with sex, but vice versa.


eemr ewis aus Alpen


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