Ausstellung Markus Boltz i- Galerie Kulturlokal
Ausstellung des Künstlers Markus Boltz in der Galerie in Kleve

An exhibition by the artist Markus Boltz in the Kulturlokal gallery in Kleve. He is showing his paintings and sculptures until October 6, 2024. The gallery is located at Wasserstraße 2 in Kleve.

Markus Boltz, born in Bochum, now works as an artist in Dinslaken. After graduating from high school, he did an apprenticeship at a bank and then further training as a trainer, which he also successfully completed. He is currently working as an artist and as a teaching assistant in adult education. He is also a visual artist in the Lower Rhine Association of Visual Artists.

My art deals with our society today. In the style of abstract expressionism, I present a colorful and wild world. In terms of content, however, a rather critical picture of today's society emerges. Here, the depths and weaknesses of man are shown, which shape the disintegration of social coexistence. In order to depict the phenomenon of widespread ignorance and indifference, I resort to the provocative form of expression of these bizarre figures and grotesque grimaces. A masquerade becomes a facade. Generally, there is a sense of helplessness and superficiality, so that a sensitive social dialogue often remains hidden. As a result, the viewer is confronted with an exciting mixture of socio-political concerns, satirical elements and an extremely expressive form of design.


Markus Boltz aus Dinslaken


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