École des Beaux Arts, Gloria Chifung Wong "Sunlining"


A highlight each year for ArToll is the visit of a class of the Versailles School of Fine Art (École des Beaux Arts). Motivated students and dedicated teachers bring sparkling cultural life to the community of Bedburg-Hau and give, at the end of their stay, a good insight in the quality of teaching and learning. Language can be a problem, as French is rarely taught in Germany nowadays, but visitors to the exhibitions assist each other and the artists in understanding the displayed art. A onetime dialogue between a performing Mongolian art student and a visiting Dutch-Chinese woman who knows English to explain the art to other visitors was a rare happening, but worth mentioning. Sometimes chance meetings start off something like the following…

On a young artist who marked the course of the sun on the floor and walls of her studio and by doing so made a large three-dimensional sundial. Poem written in the manner of a classical Chinese quatrain.
Gloria Chifung Wong and her artwork “Sunlining” (2018)
You marked the way the sunbeams go | as morning time went by
A dial in the studio | the sign that time does fly
You pose with grace upon your art | when all the work is done
The sunbeams seek your company | and with each other vie

Gloria Chifung Wong

Jan Kellendonk aus Bedburg-Hau


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