Sonus Artis Quartet

Beiträge zum Thema Sonus Artis Quartet

Two players of the Sonus Artis Quartet, after they just finished the "Jagdchor" of the "Freischütz" by von Weber. Arcen, 2023


Seeing the glee on the faces of two musicians after they played the last notes of the “Jagdchor” of the “Freischütz” by von Weber I could not resist and wrote these lines impromptu. Perfect open air concert by the quartet “Sonus Artis” on Whit Monday, 2023 To master something is mere toil / it can’t be otherwise Reminds us, sages say, that man / is not in paradise To play in harmony is hard / must blend the sound and hearts To finish something perfect is / pure heaven in disguise =>...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 30.05.23

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