Richard Roughly

Beiträge zum Thema Richard Roughly

An interesting living-room with a bike on its wall, don't you think like I do?

Richard Roughley, the "CoolTour" and Annika's birthday party

Five years ago, a young musician called Richard Roughley, came to Xanten with his friend Alex Hughes and a lot of other young people. They did a lot of workshops and they gave some concerts in Xanten, Alpen, Moyland and other villages around Xanten. In 2013, Richard and Alex returned for a second time to Xanten where they found a good place ;) to stay. Within a visit to a concert at the "Schippers Hof", Richard fell in love with ? (At the Moment, I don't know if I'm allowed to mention the name...

  • Hamminkeln
  • 10.06.14

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