Ria Volk

Beiträge zum Thema Ria Volk

5 Bilder

Shadows and ashes, artwork of Ria Volk

The „artists in residence“ program of the ArToll art society in Bedburg-Hau, Germany allows artists to work in a historical building originally part of a large complex for healing and care for the ill and disabled. Nowadays forensic psychiatry occupies a number of buildings and the high fences contrast with the trees and lawn between the buildings. The sound of helicopters over the municipality of Bedburg-Hau reminds the older residents of times when escapes were more frequent. More grim than...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 13.10.18

In eigener Sache: ArToll Kunstlabor

École des Beaux Arts, Versailles: in 2014, Valérie Hitier-Lallement --- Leichentuch der Zeit) in 2015 in 2016, Tanz der Blumen, Shen Yuhua in 2016, Farbe muss sein, Ségolène Perrot in 2016, Wendy Lesueur in 2016, Xiaoou Yang in 2017, die Arbeiten von 4 Kunststudenten in 2017, Geun Jeong Kim's Performance "En attendant la paix..." in 2017, Patricia Houin's "L'ombre" in 2018, Gloria Chifung Wong's "Sunlining" Yan Shufen's Bird, icon for a better world Alma Quintana und Lutz Baumann: Aparición...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 15.10.14