
Beiträge zum Thema Poem

2 Bilder

On the Chinese New Year, 22nd of January 2023 (Flowering Witch-Hazel)

The flowers cannot hold it long / the sparsely fallen snow The morning sunshine thaws the flakes / and droplets fall and flow Immaculate the petals shine / the gold again unfolds A day like this so fortunate / from which a year may grow This kind of snow is called “Hasenschnee”,in the south of Germany, defined as (in latin): “nix leviter sparsa”. Very fitting for this Year of the Hare!

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 22.01.23
Robin on a witch hazel branche, around the Chinese New Year

On the Chinese New Year

The Chinese New Year always starts with a new moon, in 2019 this was on the 5th of February. After the winter solstice, days begin earlier and last longer and by the time of the Chinese New Year there already is a feeling of Spring. To celebrate this pristine time of the year I wrote the following lines. The moon is new the sky in haze and shorter is the night Before the dawn a single call then many birds unite The branches are but dimly seen then comes the morning sun And makes the hamamelis...

  • Bedburg-Hau
  • 08.02.19
  • 2

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