‘Born From Tradition”, Shane Ó Fearghail (pronounced O Fa-reel), is an Irish singer-songwriter From Dublin, Live in Oisin Kelly Irish Pub, with special Guests!

Shane Ó Fearghail

Shane Ó Fearghail (pronounced O Fa-reel), is an Irish singer-songwriter /artist based out of Vienna, Austria. From Dublin, his musical style has been called many things. Irish Indie / Dark Folk is his new calling. In the past he has been likened to REM, Crowded House, Rufus Wainright III, Glen Hansard and Ron Sexsmith. He takes that as a big compliment.

“An uber professional Shane captivates every audience. Indeed great songwriting meets high musical sense. A fantastic artist!” Bernd Rossmann – Reinhardt Best Acoustics – Germany

A lover of Irish writers and traditional Irish songs, music and stories, Shane’s most recent musical adventure, and his fifth studio album, takes a trip along the Appalachian trail and delves deeper into the Irish Appalachian tradition. With this new album, recorded with his band “The Host”, he sets out to explore that unique and common bond. A relationship fostered through culture, across continents and the Atlantic ocean. The results he tells us are interesting and positive. And with the band, these songs sound great live. The new album will be released late summer 2022.

Eintritt frei-Hut Konzert
Oissin Kelly Irish Pub
Brinkgartenstraße 25,
45894 Gelsenkirchen
Telefon: 0209 3187732


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