Only a short meeting in front of the eXit


As the eXit was closed yesterday evening, the hosts of the English students kept on waiting outside for the musiciens and the dancers who were to arrive from Nottingham.
The students were in a very good mood, when they met up with their "new families". They were looking forward to having some nice days and to presenting some good concerts in Germany.
Gabie and Dieter Angenendt, the couple that has been organizing the exchange between musiciens and dancers from Xanten and from Nottingham for seventeen years now, introduced all the English guests to the people from Xanten, then the luggage changed its place and it didn't take much time until all the cars drove off.
Even if Mel and Asher, our guests, hadn'd had to get up very early and although they had had a very good flight, they were a little exhausted and didn't want to go out in the evening.
Today some of the students start with a workshop at the "Grundschule" in Xanten, later they go to the "Realschule" in Alpen and at 14:30 a.m. the three girls that you can see on the last two photos go to Annika's "KiTa Sonnenstrahl" in Issum where an English project has been organized. April and the other two singers will be teaching "Old Mac Donald had a farm" to the children.
They will like the song, don't you think so? Getting to know real English students must be fantastic!
That's all for today. I will upload some more photos one of the days, for sure!
P.S. We missed Petra Klein, but we know that she's as busy as all the years before. Cu this afternoon in Issum

Readers who want further information can follow this link which leads to an article written by Mr. Christoph Pries


Hildegard van Hueuet aus Xanten


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