A short report and some more photos of the first skate contest in Xanten


The contest was announced in English! So this report is written in English as well =)
A lot of young people and nearly the whole "crew" of the "Exit" came to take part in this competition that was organized by the JuKuWe Exit on Saturday, the 15th october. Five pupils, that you can see in one of these photos, had been busy for some days in order to offer this special competition to the skaters in and around Xanten. About ten excellent skaters took part in it. The skaters were divided into two groups. In the first group there were four skaters aged from 11 to 15, in the second one there were five competitors at the age from 16 to 21 years. They had 90 seconds to show their talent.
Sebastian Alosery, who works in the "Exit" during his studies and Philipp Pfaff, who is a member of the "Förderverein", sat in the jury. Georg van Schyndel, the official head of the Exit, offered a tasty barbecue to the spectators and the competitors. He even gave the prizes to the three winners in each of the two classes. Drinks, that could be paid with a donation (Spende), were sold, and much good music was played as well.
The newspapers RP and NNO sent their reporters and photographers who made some interviews and who took some nice :) photos that can be read and seen in the editions of the next week. Even Ralf Riese, a photographer, who publishes articles and photos in "Lokalkompass Xanten", was there.
The contest ended with the awarding of the prizes at five o'clock. And the winner were: Timm, Michigan and Kevin (the elder ones) and Daniel, Justin and Xaver (the younger ones). Congratulations to all of you, but not to forget those competitors who didn't win a prize
To be continued


Hildegard van Hueuet aus Xanten


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