Sapphires - Film in Englisch mit deutschen Untertiteln

Wayne Blair's The Sapphires is a likable, [...] feel-good movie, based on real life: all about a winsome foursome with a lot of soul. Our heroines are a singing group of Aboriginal women in 1960s Australia, who begin their musical lives belting out country'n'western in tatty bars to the disdain of some nose-wrinkling white folk. Their final lineup is Gail, Julie, Kay and Cynthia. They are on the road to nowhere until they meet a boozy, chaotic Irishman called Dave, nicely played by Chris O'Dowd, a former cruise-ship entertainments director turned promoter who sees his chance with these talented women, persuades them to try classic American soul and gets them a gig touring US military bases in Vietnam. It's an amiable film with some great musical moments and the classic "growing success" montage showing them on the road in south-east Asia. On music, identity and race, the film has a big beating heart in the right place. The Guardian

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Fr 12.07.2013 - Mo 15.07.2013
Preis: 7,00 Euro, ermäßigter Preis: 5,00 Euro
Ort: Schauburg Dortmund, Brückstraße 66, 44135 Dortmund

Tel.: +49 (0)231 83800 - 41

Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft

In Kooperation mit: Lichtspiel und Kunsttheater Schauburg

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Pascale Gauchard aus Dortmund-Süd


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